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Cam Rhys Lay


Cam Rhys Lay
Nov 28, 20202 min read
Review: The Guest List by Lisa Foley
It's been a good bit since I've posted here. Partly work has been extremely busy, but mostly it's that having a kid is an insane amount...

Cam Rhys Lay
Jun 5, 202010 min read
The Greatest X-Men Covers of All Time
30 covers from across thousands of X-books I recently started a new job tangentially related to comics and as a result have been...

Cam Rhys Lay
May 7, 20206 min read
The Underrated Weirdness of The Lord of the Rings
Years ago, someone gave my wife a copy of The Lord of the Rings, but she only got started reading it in earnest a few months ago. I...

Cam Rhys Lay
Apr 12, 20203 min read
Book Review Roundup, Pandemic Edition
The last three or four weeks, I've consistently read articles talking about how bored people are given all the time they have cooped up...

Cam Rhys Lay
Feb 28, 20202 min read
Review: Stitcher's Marvels Podcast
Stitcher's 3rd Marvel collab illustrates the strengths and drawbacks of the podcast medium. Between November of last year and the end of...

Cam Rhys Lay
Feb 26, 20202 min read
Review: Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday
This oddly structured book reminded me of my own oddly structured book. Is Lisa Halliday's Asymmetry--which is marketed as a novel on its...

Cam Rhys Lay
Jan 17, 20201 min read
Review: Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino
Similar to the last book I reviewed (George RR Martin's Fire & Blood), Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities is a difficult book to...

Cam Rhys Lay
Jan 17, 20202 min read
Book Review: Fire & Blood (A Targaryen History #1)
I don't know if Fire & Blood was good, but without a doubt, it was impressive. George RR Martin's Fire & Blood is a hard book to...

Cam Rhys Lay
Dec 24, 20196 min read
Fiction Reviews: Lightning Round
11 reviews of one paragraph or less. I made it a goal this year to write and post reviews for every book I read this year. Well... it's...

Cam Rhys Lay
Nov 11, 20194 min read
Natasha Tynes, Kathleen Hale, and the Internet's Cancel Culture
A few days ago I was clicking around on Goodreads when I came upon a list of anticipated literary fiction for 2019. Whereas virtually...

Cam Rhys Lay
Aug 31, 20192 min read
Review: Raised in Captivity by Chuck Klosterman
In "Slow Pop," one of the "stories" in Klosterman's new collection entitled Raised in Captivity, an unnamed narrator tells us: I want to...

Cam Rhys Lay
Jul 20, 20191 min read
New, Old Story in P.S. I Love You
My story, "Holes," which I actually wrote probably ten years ago or so, was just published in the Medium publication, P.S. I Love You, a...

Cam Rhys Lay
Jul 12, 20193 min read
Two Reviews: Drive and Hit Makers
I'm still trying to catch up on my goal of writing at least a short review for every book I read in 2019. As such, I thought I could pair...

Cam Rhys Lay
Jul 11, 20191 min read
From the Archives: Two Songs!
Listen to my amateurish music... In about a month I'll be starting a new job running marketing for a music education startup here in NYC....

Cam Rhys Lay
Jul 11, 20192 min read
Review: Killing and Dying by Adrian Tomine
Adrian Tomine proves why he's one of the giants of the graphic novel. For the most part, I have a serious dislike for when people give...

Cam Rhys Lay
Jun 25, 20191 min read
New Story in BFS Horizons #9
Excited to announce that my story, "The Sorceress's Husband" was just published in BFS Horizons, the journal of the British Fantasy...

Cam Rhys Lay
Jun 19, 20192 min read
Review: Wolverine, The Lost Trail Podcast
The follow-up to the surprising Wolverine: The Long Night unfortunately gives listeners exactly what they'd expect from a Wolverine...

Cam Rhys Lay
Jun 4, 20192 min read
Review: Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?
My second reading of Raymond Carver's first collection of stories re-confirmed Carver's stature as one of the all-time great short story...

Cam Rhys Lay
May 19, 20194 min read
5 Short Book Reviews
I've been trying to write reviews of all the books I've read in 2019 and have fallen terribly behind. In order to catch up, I decided to...

Cam Rhys Lay
Mar 24, 20194 min read
The Next Game of Thrones is Hiding in Plain Site
Television execs are betting big on fantasy IP, but I still haven't heard any confirmations of what is obviously the best choice. In the...
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